Princess Anne’s ‘panto’ hat and more become Twitter’s coronation stars 您所在的位置:网站首页 princess mean Princess Anne’s ‘panto’ hat and more become Twitter’s coronation stars

Princess Anne’s ‘panto’ hat and more become Twitter’s coronation stars

2023-05-08 20:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The combination of a televised national event and people glued to social media generates breakout stars at any event, and Saturday’s coronation was no different, with Penny Mordaunt and Princess Anne battling it out for the title of who had caught Twitter’s eye the most.

Some suggested that after Mordaunt’s failed bid to become Conservative leader, Liz Truss’s attempt to shuffle her away from the limelight had bitterly backfired.

The most hilarious part of the #Coronation.

Liz Truss made Penny Mordaunt Lord President of the Council to keep her out of the spotlight.

She has spent most of the day carrying a giant sword in front of millions, so that turned out well.

— Charlie Proctor (@MonarchyUK) May 6, 2023

Truss was, of course, there herself. Her perpetual attendance at events like this alongside the likes of John Major, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown will be a reminder for the rest of her life that she was the shortest-serving prime minister in British history.

Penny Mordaunt has now been holding that sword longer than Liz Truss was Prime Minister.

— John Bull (@garius) May 6, 2023

There were also concerns about where Mordaunt might threaten to run amok next.

As per Royal Tradition dating back to the 1470s, in service of her King, Penny Mordaunt will now raise a Private army and invade Suffolk

— Tom Jamieson (@jamiesont) May 6, 2023

It was a close call on VAR.

Penny Mordaunt is offside…

— Rob Jeffries (@RobJeffries) May 6, 2023

Given Mordaunt’s famous turn on the diving talent contest Splash!, it was inevitable that a prominent role in a coronation carrying a sword was going to invite comparisons with the mythical Lady of the Lake.

Her work done, the sword passed to the one undoubted King, the lady returns to the lake. #Coronation #PennyMordaunt

— Angry People in Local Newspapers (@angrypiln) May 6, 2023

Mordaunt had commissioned her own dress for the day, but people thought they’d spotted some subtle sponsorship at play.

I see Penny Mordaunt is giving @Poundland free advertising today.

— FrankChickens (@FrankChickens_) May 6, 2023

Princess Anne’s costume was Mordaunt’s main rival for attention, with some people seeing it as having an air of going into battle in the 18th century.

Princess Anne ready to defeat napoleon should the need arise.#Coronation

— z (@JRsArmchair) May 6, 2023

It is a bit early for panto season though.

“Princess Anne is appearing in Dick Whittington at the Alhambra Theatre, Bradford.”#Coronation

— Neil Norman And His Cosmic Orchestra (@FubsyShabaroon) May 6, 2023

If you were on Team William and Kate, rather than Team Harry and Meghan, then there was excitement that Princess Anne’s strategically placed feather was obscuring the Duke of Sussex in television footage.

Oh, dear! Last time, #PrinceHarry was obscured by a huge candle 🕯 This time, by Princess Anne's hat. #Coronation

— Richard Eden (@richardaeden) May 6, 2023

It recalled the role a candle had played at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II in obscuring the presence of Harry’s wife Meghan.

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